Dynamic Chart Filtering and URL Data type in Zoho Analytics

The latest update of Zoho Analytics brings in dynamic filter in live charts and support for URL (HyperLink) as a datatype.

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Dynamic Filtering in Live Chart     

Say you are analyzing how the various campaigns of your Google Adwords account have performed using your Adwords Reporting database in Zoho
Reports. Let’s say you have three campaigns for mountain bikes, one each for the Europe and the US and one for other countries/continents. And you want to look at the data from Europe and the USA alone. You can mouse over on the chart legend and uncheck that data alone. Zoho Analytics hides that particular data and will dynamically regenerate the chart with the remaining data.

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You can click on the same checkbox again to see the hidden data back.

You can hide multiple data points too. For example, you can see the data for the US alone (hiding Europe and Others) by clicking on the yellow checkbox as shown below.

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The dynamic filter functionality is available on charts that are embedded in any of your web applications or blogs too. 

URL Data Type

Zoho Analytics now supports URL (hyper links) data type. You can now set a column data type as URL and store accessible web URL addresses in those columns. When you view the data, Zoho Analytics automatically places a
HTML link sign besides URLs, clicking on which will open the URL in a new browser tab.

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12 Replies to Dynamic Chart Filtering and URL Data type in Zoho Analytics

  1. Hi, why on my main page, the pipiline by stage always empty & indicating "Insufficient data to display in this chart type. Kindly choose some other chart option."?Please advice, thx.

  2. Hi, why on my main page, the pipiline by stage always empty & indicating "Insufficient data to display in this chart type. Kindly choose some other chart option."?Please advice, thx.

  3. It would be great if you could include more filtering options for Dynamic Chart Filtering. So you could customize some of the data filters behind the chart.Also some other form of programmable chart filters, so for example you could change the date set on a bunch of graphs on a dashboard dynamically all at once.Another great feature would be parametrized filters. So you could use the same graph with different parameters on a dashboard. And not have to make several copies just to change one filter.These two features would be incredibly useful.By the way this service is incredible. Great job!

  4. It would be great if you could include more filtering options for Dynamic Chart Filtering. So you could customize some of the data filters behind the chart.Also some other form of programmable chart filters, so for example you could change the date set on a bunch of graphs on a dashboard dynamically all at once.Another great feature would be parametrized filters. So you could use the same graph with different parameters on a dashboard. And not have to make several copies just to change one filter.These two features would be incredibly useful.By the way this service is incredible. Great job!

  5. Itto: Thanks for your comments.
    Dynamic Chart Filtering can be applied only in the case where we have single column for Y-Axis along with column dropped in the Color shelf. If we drop more than 1 column for Y-Axis, we don't allow Dynamic Filtering. We accept that it is an issue, we will address this issue and fix it at the earliest.

  6. Itto: Thanks for your comments.
    Dynamic Chart Filtering can be applied only in the case where we have single column for Y-Axis along with column dropped in the Color shelf. If we drop more than 1 column for Y-Axis, we don't allow Dynamic Filtering. We accept that it is an issue, we will address this issue and fix it at the earliest.

  7. How can I do it in my charts.
    I created a Line Chart with 2 series (1 Column as the X Axis and 2 as Lines) yet I don't have this checkbox.Thanks.

  8. How can I do it in my charts.
    I created a Line Chart with 2 series (1 Column as the X Axis and 2 as Lines) yet I don't have this checkbox.Thanks.

  9. Itto : Thanks! We're continuously adding & improving the functionalities available in Zoho Analytics and that includes charts. More to come :)

  10. Itto : Thanks! We're continuously adding & improving the functionalities available in Zoho Analytics and that includes charts. More to come :)

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