Easily generate brochures, payslips, contracts and more with Zoho Creator's Custom Record Summary function

Recently, our facilities team was looking for a simple way to manage purchase orders. They decided to try the Custom Record Summary feature in Zoho Creator and instantly, the tedious task of generating and managing purchase orders was a thing of the past. Needless to say, they were able to retire the old time-consuming purchase order system and process. And, more importantly, now it just takes a few clicks for our facilities team to create beautiful and accurate purchase orders (Print/PDF Version).

Sample Templates created using Custom Record Summary

In case you missed it, the Custom Record Summary was recently released in Zoho Creator.  This versatile feature allows you to create nearly any type of customized template for your business. Once the template is created, Zoho Creator automatically populates the template with your data.

In the case of our facilities team, they needed a purchase order template. However, we can envision thousands of use-cases for creating customized templates across our various departments, including sales, marketing, legal, and frankly, all the rest!

Here are just a few ideas we came up with for using Zoho Creator’s Custom Record Summary:

Business Cards: You’re leaving the office for an important business trip and you just notice that you’re out of business cards! You don’t have time for your admin to order new business cards, because you are heading to the airport now. Zoho Creator to the rescue! Simply use Zoho Creator to print your business cards from a Custom Record Summary template.

Brochures & Datasheets: Print brochures or datasheets with your product or services latest information without having to send the job to a print shop. Setup a customized template to ensure that documents adhere to your company’s branding guidelines. The templates are completely customizable.

Certificates: Need to create training certificates on-the-fly from a database of attendee information? Don’t sweat it, Zoho Creator has you covered. All it takes is a few seconds. Oh, are you away from the office? No problem, access your templates on the go from any device, anywhere.

Payslips: Now creating payslips is simple. Just click on an employee record to create their payslip. You can save it as a PDF and email it to the employee. Or give employees access to view and print their payslips on their own.

Contracts & Agreements: Standard contracts and agreements are mundane, but they have to be right! Thanks to Zoho Creator’s automatic insertion, template-based contracts can be generated with a click of a button – error free.

Student Report Cards: At the end of the semester, teachers feel the burden of having to generate student report cards. With Zoho Creator, student information, attendance, and grades can all be inserted into a report card in a snap.

Errors? No Way! Productivity all the way!

Customize and personalize. Generate data in any format to suit your business needs. Put some fun into the mundane, with Zoho Creator.

More good news? Yep, Custom Record Summary is available across all Zoho Creator plans. So go ahead, try out this feature. And, tell us how it’s helped your business.


2 Replies to Easily generate brochures, payslips, contracts and more with Zoho Creator's Custom Record Summary function

  1. Does Zoho have templates or apps (not mobile. I mean apps that I can use from desktop) for management of real estate? Capture leads, manage mailouts? Keep track. Reminders?

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