Introducing Zoho Docs

Today at the Office 2.0 conference, we are launching a new addition to Zoho Suite – Zoho Docs

Zoho Docs is a central place to manage all your personal documents. Your Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations that you created in Writer, Sheet and Show will now be available at this central location.

This video provides a quick overview of Zoho Docs.

Zoho Docs supports folders. You can drag-n-drop files to these folders. The folder structure you create in Zoho Docs will be the common folder structure inside Zoho. Eventually this folder structure will appear in all other Zoho Applications.

Apart from aggregating you documents, the application also lets you view your documents, spreadsheets and presentations as a tab within the application. If you choose to edit any of these files, the file is opened in Edit mode in the appropriate Zoho Application. All documents inside Zoho Docs can be tagged, Downloaded, Shared etc. They can also be sorted by name, creation date and modified date.

Zoho Docs accepts all file types. To keep the upload process simple, you can upload ZIP files and Unzip them after the upload. Your My Documents folder can be uploaded to Zoho Docs in a single shot for example. When unzipped, your existing folder structure will be retained. When the files are uploaded, we automatically scan for viruses.

Zoho Docs also supports Group Sharing. If you have any groups created, you can share the documents to your existing groups. All documents shared to groups can also be viewed in Zoho Docs under the ‘My Groups’ section.

The Views section groups the documents by type across all folders. Here you can view ‘All files’ from all folders, Recent Documents, Documents from Zoho Writer, Spreadsheets from Zoho Sheet, Presentations from Zoho Show, Pictures and other file types.

Zoho Chat is integrated right into Zoho Docs. You can now chat with all your Zoho Contacts without leaving the application Zoho Docs.

As you notice, you’ll see multiple Zoho Services integrated well to form the Zoho Docs application. We have documents from Zoho Writer, Spreadsheets from Zoho Sheet, Presentations from Zoho Show, Groups information from Zoho Accounts, Chat from Zoho Chat – all integrated into Zoho Docs. The plan is to provide you the information where you need it rather than having to hunt for information inside applications.

Zoho Docs is also integrated into Zoho Business as the ‘Documents’ application.

This application has been created entirely by user feedback. We hope you’ll find this application useful. Please do give this a try and let us know what you think.

PS: We are hosting a Zoho Party at the Office 2.0 Conference today to celebrate our Million User milestone. This event is open to all Zoho Users. We hope you can join us to celebrate the occassion. Looking forward to seeing you.


32 Replies to Introducing Zoho Docs

  1. prithwis,
    Thanks for the detailed post. We agree that importing slide by slide is a good idea. In fact, we already do it to some extent. We import slide by slide. A slide or objects in a slide are skipped if there are any problems while importing. Sometimes what happens is, the Parser itself will not parse the PPT/ODP correctly. So, in this case, the process will fail even before importing the slides. That's what might have happened in your case. I really appreciate the effort taken by you.btw, if possible, can you send us a sample presentation with that arrow object inserted in one of your slides ? Please send it to support at zohoshow dot comThanks again for your efforts.Vijay
    Zoho Show Team.

  2. prithwis,
    Thanks for the detailed post. We agree that importing slide by slide is a good idea. In fact, we already do it to some extent. We import slide by slide. A slide or objects in a slide are skipped if there are any problems while importing. Sometimes what happens is, the Parser itself will not parse the PPT/ODP correctly. So, in this case, the process will fail even before importing the slides. That's what might have happened in your case. I really appreciate the effort taken by you.btw, if possible, can you send us a sample presentation with that arrow object inserted in one of your slides ? Please send it to support at zohoshow dot comThanks again for your efforts.Vijay
    Zoho Show Team.

  3. How do I download Zoho docs (beta)? I can't find anywhere except the presentation itself. The program seems to be great.Thank you.
    Ahmad Khatri

  4. How do I download Zoho docs (beta)? I can't find anywhere except the presentation itself. The program seems to be great.Thank you.
    Ahmad Khatri

  5. ZOHO Doc's, just keeps getting better. A stumbled across ZOHO a few weeks ago on a Google Blog, where have you been for so long. I'm still playing but looks like I will be migrating my small business very soon.

  6. ZOHO Doc's, just keeps getting better. A stumbled across ZOHO a few weeks ago on a Google Blog, where have you been for so long. I'm still playing but looks like I will be migrating my small business very soon.

  7. prithwis,
    It is a great suggestion. I have forwarded your request to our presentation team. We will work on this ...Thanks,

  8. prithwis,
    It is a great suggestion. I have forwarded your request to our presentation team. We will work on this ...Thanks,

  9. i have consistently tried to use Open Office with Zoho Docs ( particulary Zoho Show ) but the results have been -- what should i say -- uncertain. More often than not my ODP file fails to get imported and it becomes very frustrating because a presentation that I wanted to leave on the net in SHOW has to be finally converted in PDF ( the ever faithful one ) and uploaded.After one extraordinarily frustrating experience I did some bull-dog style research and kept eliminating slides / elements from the ODP presentation UNTIL i discovered that after removing ONE specific "arrow diagram" the rest of the presentation went through perfectly. Then I put back all the slides along with their data except that ONE offending "arrow" and everything was fine ...May I humbly request that the import / load process be run NOT in a binary success and failure mode .. and instead focus on importing slide by slide individually. Should one particular slide have a problem that can be flagged and left behind with a note that out of the N slides that were uploaded, x were successfully imported and and N-x were rejected. This is how bulk data is loaded in RDBMSs ...would be grateful if this approach is explored.

  10. i have consistently tried to use Open Office with Zoho Docs ( particulary Zoho Show ) but the results have been -- what should i say -- uncertain. More often than not my ODP file fails to get imported and it becomes very frustrating because a presentation that I wanted to leave on the net in SHOW has to be finally converted in PDF ( the ever faithful one ) and uploaded.After one extraordinarily frustrating experience I did some bull-dog style research and kept eliminating slides / elements from the ODP presentation UNTIL i discovered that after removing ONE specific "arrow diagram" the rest of the presentation went through perfectly. Then I put back all the slides along with their data except that ONE offending "arrow" and everything was fine ...May I humbly request that the import / load process be run NOT in a binary success and failure mode .. and instead focus on importing slide by slide individually. Should one particular slide have a problem that can be flagged and left behind with a note that out of the N slides that were uploaded, x were successfully imported and and N-x were rejected. This is how bulk data is loaded in RDBMSs ...would be grateful if this approach is explored.

  11. Could we please have the "Webfolder" feature return , just as we had it in the original on premise Zoho Office? We need this as it increases the efficiency of uploading and syncronizing once files with the zoho server.

  12. Could we please have the "Webfolder" feature return , just as we had it in the original on premise Zoho Office? We need this as it increases the efficiency of uploading and syncronizing once files with the zoho server.

  13. WWPYCBW: Technology (September 5, 2008)...Day CQ for SharePoint Day Software released a connector for SharePoint. "According to Day, this connector is an opportunity for organizations to take SharePoint to the enterprise level, something they see a demand for. Of course you need Day’s enter...

  14. WWPYCBW: Technology (September 5, 2008)...Day CQ for SharePoint Day Software released a connector for SharePoint. "According to Day, this connector is an opportunity for organizations to take SharePoint to the enterprise level, something they see a demand for. Of course you need Day’s enter...

  15. [...] Docs was announced today and looks to be the glue that ties Zoho’s Writer, Sheet, Show and Chat services together. [...]

  16. [...] Docs was announced today and looks to be the glue that ties Zoho’s Writer, Sheet, Show and Chat services together. [...]

  17. Over the past year or so I had heard some buzz about Zoho, but I didn't really take the time to find out what it was about. Recently, I created a small start up and needed a good contact management solution. I tried Office live and and almost spent $800 on a pro version of ACT, but luckily I took a closer look at Zoho and there has been no looking back. I especially liked that Zoho allows you to use their software for free while you are in the start up phase. Once my business starts to take off I will need more licenses, but I'll be happy to pay them because I know how good Zoho really is and I appreciate that they were willing to give away free access while my business is in this crucial stage. The addition of document support is huge bonus on top of everything else. Thank you Zoho for continuing to push the envelope.

  18. Over the past year or so I had heard some buzz about Zoho, but I didn't really take the time to find out what it was about. Recently, I created a small start up and needed a good contact management solution. I tried Office live and and almost spent $800 on a pro version of ACT, but luckily I took a closer look at Zoho and there has been no looking back. I especially liked that Zoho allows you to use their software for free while you are in the start up phase. Once my business starts to take off I will need more licenses, but I'll be happy to pay them because I know how good Zoho really is and I appreciate that they were willing to give away free access while my business is in this crucial stage. The addition of document support is huge bonus on top of everything else. Thank you Zoho for continuing to push the envelope.

  19. Hi,
    Im wondering what happened to Zoho Start. It seems the two have basically the same task to fulfill, centralize all the users documents in one place. There seems to be alot of overlap.Asad

  20. Hi,
    Im wondering what happened to Zoho Start. It seems the two have basically the same task to fulfill, centralize all the users documents in one place. There seems to be alot of overlap.Asad

  21. Demoed it to a client today as part of Zoho business. Has it now been in Zoho Business for the last few days, maybe I'm imagining things

  22. Demoed it to a client today as part of Zoho business. Has it now been in Zoho Business for the last few days, maybe I'm imagining things

  23. Yes I can finally do what i do on my local computer in Zoho, so that's cool! That's a great improvement!Oh noooo...i'm a bit disappointed because a file can't be in multiple folders as "tag folders" in writer, it's so convenient...Anyway the old fashioned folder way (that will soon be existing for almost 2 decades...omg) is doing the job as well :"(Thank You Zoho Team
    I'm always amazed how much work you can do...and for free!!!

  24. Yes I can finally do what i do on my local computer in Zoho, so that's cool! That's a great improvement!Oh noooo...i'm a bit disappointed because a file can't be in multiple folders as "tag folders" in writer, it's so convenient...Anyway the old fashioned folder way (that will soon be existing for almost 2 decades...omg) is doing the job as well :"(Thank You Zoho Team
    I'm always amazed how much work you can do...and for free!!!

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