Integrated web applications for your business

When you visit, the customized page that is served touches around 300 sub-systems each connected through APIs. This is the web architecture where each individual sub-systems talk to each other offering a unique integrated experience.

Do you have a similar system for your business? Does the software in your business talk to each other?

This is one of the problems we typically see in businesses where multiple applications are deployed for each need/department and these apps don't talk to each other resulting in data being trapped in silos. This is typically the case because each of these applications come from different vendors and they are not integrated well with each other.  If you are an Enterprise, I guess you have the money to spend to integrate these individual systems. But if you an SMB, you are probably out of luck.

This is one of the key values we bring to the table. At Zoho, we offer a broad range of apps to run your business online. Zoho is evolving to become a well integrated suite to run your business. Because these are SaaS applications, integrating them is fairly easy compared to integration between on-premise apps.

Our Email integration with CRM is a good example of what we are trying to do. There are several other integrations we have been working on to knit together productivity, collaboration and business applications. As we have a broad portfolio of apps, the integration possibilities between these apps are endless. That said, we are not restricting these integrations between our apps. We are integrating Zoho Apps with other external systems as well.

As always, we'd like to hear from you the kind of integrations you'd like to see in your business.


10 Replies to Integrated web applications for your business

  1. @mryapTighter integration of Reports in Creator in on the way. It is in testing phase. Will be available very soon.Charles
    Zoho Creator Team

  2. @mryapTighter integration of Reports in Creator in on the way. It is in testing phase. Will be available very soon.Charles
    Zoho Creator Team

  3. @SbahlThank you for your comment. We do integrate with Google Apps. If you are a Google Apps user, you can login to Zoho using your Google Apps credentials. This is just a start. Our Email integration in Zoho CRM works with Email in Google Apps as well. More information is available here. we'd like to integrate Gmail into many Zoho Apps, unfortunately there is no API available. This is one of the limitations if solely rely on a partner to deliver certain functionality our customers want, especially for a crucial application like Email.You made some good points regarding security. We certainly are moving along this direction. Also, thank you for a comprehensive list of integrations you are looking for. Some of them are already in the works and you'll see them rolled out soon.Thanks again.

  4. @SbahlThank you for your comment. We do integrate with Google Apps. If you are a Google Apps user, you can login to Zoho using your Google Apps credentials. This is just a start. Our Email integration in Zoho CRM works with Email in Google Apps as well. More information is available here. we'd like to integrate Gmail into many Zoho Apps, unfortunately there is no API available. This is one of the limitations if solely rely on a partner to deliver certain functionality our customers want, especially for a crucial application like Email.You made some good points regarding security. We certainly are moving along this direction. Also, thank you for a comprehensive list of integrations you are looking for. Some of them are already in the works and you'll see them rolled out soon.Thanks again.

  5. Well the feature that I would be interesting to use is where I can choose the vendor I want for a particular Application for eg. Zoho has an email app now I like zoho for projects and for invoice but would like to use google apps for about having an option to integrate that with all other apps in zoho...this way you will not have to try to hard to master all apps and zoho can concentrate on just a few apps and improvise on the integration, but at the same time other developers can develop apps that can be integrated with zoho as well win win situation for both. This way zoho will be able to provide more apps and in a shorter time frame..and one is not bound to use just ZOHO for everything...hence when a particular ZOHO Apps become costlier I can choose some other cheaper or a free vendor for a particular app.An SME has very little capital and requires more to be achieved out of very little resources that it has...thus if ZOHO can automate some of the manual tasks and have all kinds of integration avaliable and we can be assured of quality service and all data can be linked at one place.For starters we need more security options for login at ZOHO, may be pass code through sms on our mobile or a pass code through email or may be having an encryption key in our mobile that is detected through Bluetooth and only then access is granted.SAS model is the model for the future but imagine a situation when all my data stored in one place is hacked and only needs an admin password for this .....ZOHO has an option on Admin login where i can just press the delete button and delete the whole data should have more powerful security at this level.More Integration required and soon:-1) Accounting - Integration with Tally , SAP, quick books
    2) Payroll - Integration with Quick books, HR Mantra , etc
    3) Security - Integration with better login security tools
    4) Auto Backup (Integration with Syncplicity)
    5) Audit - Integration with Case ware or similar tools
    6) Research and library - integration with Google books open reference books from with in zoho,7) Personal Vault - Store Scanned or electronic versions of imp docs , passport , passwords , drivers licence ,share certificates , property papers etc all in encrypted form which can be easily viewed or printed for reference.8) Job portal - Integration with Job portal, one can create an opening on zoho and buy an online posting for various Job portals can act as a revenue stream and zoho can earn referral.9) Wikipedia - Search and get results with in zoho.10) Google or Bing with in zoho.11) Integration with all Social Networks in one place - eg NomeeZOHO can contribute to More employment by promoting-1) Zoho Apps developers
    2) Zoho Apps Integrators
    3) Zoho TrainersI Love ZOHO and would love to shift all my Offline work on it...waiting for the above integrations...Working on a similar idea for providing all vendors under one roof I hope I can achieve it.

  6. Well the feature that I would be interesting to use is where I can choose the vendor I want for a particular Application for eg. Zoho has an email app now I like zoho for projects and for invoice but would like to use google apps for about having an option to integrate that with all other apps in zoho...this way you will not have to try to hard to master all apps and zoho can concentrate on just a few apps and improvise on the integration, but at the same time other developers can develop apps that can be integrated with zoho as well win win situation for both. This way zoho will be able to provide more apps and in a shorter time frame..and one is not bound to use just ZOHO for everything...hence when a particular ZOHO Apps become costlier I can choose some other cheaper or a free vendor for a particular app.An SME has very little capital and requires more to be achieved out of very little resources that it has...thus if ZOHO can automate some of the manual tasks and have all kinds of integration avaliable and we can be assured of quality service and all data can be linked at one place.For starters we need more security options for login at ZOHO, may be pass code through sms on our mobile or a pass code through email or may be having an encryption key in our mobile that is detected through Bluetooth and only then access is granted.SAS model is the model for the future but imagine a situation when all my data stored in one place is hacked and only needs an admin password for this .....ZOHO has an option on Admin login where i can just press the delete button and delete the whole data should have more powerful security at this level.More Integration required and soon:-1) Accounting - Integration with Tally , SAP, quick books
    2) Payroll - Integration with Quick books, HR Mantra , etc
    3) Security - Integration with better login security tools
    4) Auto Backup (Integration with Syncplicity)
    5) Audit - Integration with Case ware or similar tools
    6) Research and library - integration with Google books open reference books from with in zoho,7) Personal Vault - Store Scanned or electronic versions of imp docs , passport , passwords , drivers licence ,share certificates , property papers etc all in encrypted form which can be easily viewed or printed for reference.8) Job portal - Integration with Job portal, one can create an opening on zoho and buy an online posting for various Job portals can act as a revenue stream and zoho can earn referral.9) Wikipedia - Search and get results with in zoho.10) Google or Bing with in zoho.11) Integration with all Social Networks in one place - eg NomeeZOHO can contribute to More employment by promoting-1) Zoho Apps developers
    2) Zoho Apps Integrators
    3) Zoho TrainersI Love ZOHO and would love to shift all my Offline work on it...waiting for the above integrations...Working on a similar idea for providing all vendors under one roof I hope I can achieve it.

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