The Crunchies 2008 : Vote for Zoho in the 'Best Enterprise' Category

Last year, Zoho won the Best Enterprise Start-up in the first Crunchies Awards. We have been selected as a finalist for this year's Crunchies too. Thanks to all of you who nominated us for this year as well! Do vote for Zoho in the Best Enterprise category by clicking on the badge below.

Thanks in advance!

  • Zoho Wins the ‘Best Enterprise Start-up’ at Crunchies 2007!
  • Zoho in PCWorld’s “The 100 Best Products of 2008″
  • Zoho : Webware 100 2008 Winner!


12 Replies to The Crunchies 2008 : Vote for Zoho in the 'Best Enterprise' Category

  1. Jeff,Thanks for stopping by and your kind words!We do have a Zoho QuickRead plugin for Firefox/IE browsers that allows users to open Microsoft Office & Open Office files (documents, spreadsheets & presentations) available on the web in the browser itself. You can view & edit the files in the browser itself using Zoho Services' feature-rich editors & save them to your desktop or post to your blog directly from there.For more on this please refer to the following url : Open IT Online is another plugin which you can try too.You may also be interested in the Zoho Writer bookmarklet and the Zoho Notebook plugin. They allow you to clip content from web pages and store in your Zoho Writer/Notebook accounts respectively.

  2. Jeff,Thanks for stopping by and your kind words!We do have a Zoho QuickRead plugin for Firefox/IE browsers that allows users to open Microsoft Office & Open Office files (documents, spreadsheets & presentations) available on the web in the browser itself. You can view & edit the files in the browser itself using Zoho Services' feature-rich editors & save them to your desktop or post to your blog directly from there.For more on this please refer to the following url : Open IT Online is another plugin which you can try too.You may also be interested in the Zoho Writer bookmarklet and the Zoho Notebook plugin. They allow you to clip content from web pages and store in your Zoho Writer/Notebook accounts respectively.

  3. Hello,Congratulations. I enjoy using your products. Right now I am searching for a zoho writer firefox plugin. I look forward to watching all the developments of your great service!Sincerely,Jeff Newman

  4. Hello,Congratulations. I enjoy using your products. Right now I am searching for a zoho writer firefox plugin. I look forward to watching all the developments of your great service!Sincerely,Jeff Newman

  5. Way to go!From last year in the startup category to this year's enterprise space! - scorhing pace guys. Keep it up.Above all, it is proof that a sound business idea coupled with true execution will always succeed. Sillicon valley VCs have some more to learn perhaps.

  6. Way to go!From last year in the startup category to this year's enterprise space! - scorhing pace guys. Keep it up.Above all, it is proof that a sound business idea coupled with true execution will always succeed. Sillicon valley VCs have some more to learn perhaps.

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