Insert Rows, Fonts, Import CSV and more

We have put out an updated version of Zoho Sheet with support for the most requested feature – Insert Rows and Columns. You can now Insert or Delete Rows and Columns. If you want to insert multiple rows, just select that many rows and click on the “insert rows before” / “insert rows after” buttons on the toolbar. Same goes for columns.

We have also added the ability to specify the Font to be used for each cell and its size.

You can now import CSV documents too in addition to MS Excel and OpenOffice Calc documents.

The Save As option can be used to save a copy of your file and work on the copy.

Sheets in a workbook can now be reordered by dragging the sheet tabs around.

All sheets in your account now have a Permanent URL which can be bookmarked using the right-click popup menu. You can even open them in a new browser window / tab by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Open in New Window / Tab” option. Well, this is an obvious functionality of Web 1.0, which often breaks when AJAX is used extensively.

Apart from that we have done some fixes and enhancements. More info at

Keep sending us your feedback to support (at) zohosheet (dot) com or use the Feedback link at


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