Link External Data, Comments and more

Zoho Sheet had an update last week with some nice features:

1.Link External Data: You can now link external CSV files available in a public URL to a spreadsheet in Zoho. This spreadsheet will then automatically be in sync with the CSV file. Any updates in the CSV will be reflected in the spreadsheet with a max of 15 min delay. Just specify the URL of the CSV file, which cell to start and you get up-to-date information on your spreadsheet. With that data, you can then do some analysis, draw charts, publish them, etc. Ismael Ghalimi has an excellent post on this.

2. Commenting on spreadsheets: Apart from adding notes and comments to cells (which we already support), you can now even add comments / feedback on the spreadsheet as a whole. This will be very useful when working collaboratively on a spreadsheet. This will be further enhanced with email notifications, image verification while posting anonymously, etc in the future updates.

3. Semipublic Sheets: While publishing your spreadsheet as public, you can now specify whether to list it in Zoho public sheets or not. This will be very useful if you want the spreadsheet to be accessible in a public URL to a select audience but you don’t want others to land on your spreadsheet. This will also prevent search engines from crawling your semi-public sheets, unless you link to it or embed it on a public page.

4. Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are now supported in Zoho Sheet. Just type in an URL and it will automatically create a link. You can also link the full text in a cell to an URL. Use the right click menu for this.

5. Auto versioning: Apart from manually marking versions, we now version the file automatically when you open it fresh and start editing. But we maintain only the last 25 versions. There are no limits to manually marked versions though. This is again useful when multiple people work on the same spreadsheet. Each one’s changes gets versioned automatically.

Apart from the above new additions, certain issues have also been fixed. Have a look at our What’s New page for detailed information.

We are working on some exciting features and are also giving high priority to performance. We will be improving the application performance in the next couple of updates.


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