Extract end-to-end business insights with Zoho Analytics

Every business runs on multiple apps based on their unique needs. A company might use a CRM to manage customer interactions, a support desk app to resolve customer problems, and so on. In such cases, data gets generated from multiple sources, making it difficult for you to make sense of it. This is where having a unified data analytics platform comes in handy.

47-year-old Sarah is the CEO of an IT maintenance and support services company. In this post, we will see how Sarah extracted end-to-end insights to earn big, with the help of Zoho Analytics’ data blending feature. The data blending feature helped Sarah combine and blend data from multiple apps like Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, and Zoho Books, giving her a complete picture of her business.

The above dashboard has data combined from Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, and Zoho Books. Let us now take a look at some of the reports that helped Sarah take her business to the next level:

Closed Deals Per-Account vs Tickets vs Paid Invoices
As her business grew, Sarah found it hard to determine the size of a project (deal size), the support that was being offered (tickets resolved for the customer), and the income she would receive (invoiced amount). This report gave Sarah the detailed account information on projects, tickets, and the amount paid. Thanks to Zoho Analytics, Sarah can now instantly correlate information from three different apps to understand the project size, the support she needs to offer, and how much her profits will be, all in one place.

Projects Vs Ticket Stats
While Zoho CRM gave Sarah the account information with the projects(deals) won and lost, Zoho Desk provided information like ticket inflow and tickets resolved. To get an overall perspective, Sarah had to collect this data manually and map it together. However, using Zoho Analytics’ auto data-blending, Sarah was able to view everything at one place and gain powerful insights into her all her projects.

Leads-to-invoices Funnel
With an increasing number of projects and customers, Sarah couldn’t keep measure the effectiveness of her sales pipeline. The data blending feature of Zoho Analytics fetches data from Zoho CRM and Zoho Books to create a deals-to-invoices funnel. This funnel chart helped her understand her sales pipeline and significantly improved the conversion rates. In addition, it also helped Sarah quickly check the paid invoices, ensuring there is no balance due.

Invoices by Country
Once Sarah identified the paid invoices, her team was able to send out the open invoices to their customers across the globe. As Sarah started taking up projects internationally, she wanted to get an overall picture of the pending invoices across countries. The invoices report gave Sarah both the pending balances and the paid amount. This helped Sarah not only track her cash inflow but also find out all the regions her business is doing well in.

Outstanding Payments by Accounts
Once Sarah knew about the open invoices across countries, using the outstanding payments report, she was easily able to dive deeper to find out the outstanding payments for each account. This enabled her team to follow up and collect all the overdue balances on time, and stay up-to-date.

The auto-data blending feature of Zoho Analytics also provided Sarah with other powerful reports, like “SLA compliance vs Satisfaction rate”, and “Project SLA compliance vs Revenue Impact” to stay on top of the game. As a business owner, Sarah can now track KPIs and trends from a single tab and guide her team to make data-driven, informed decisions.

With a powerful business intelligence tool like Zoho Analytics, Sarah has made a smart decision for her business that’s made her life much easier. Wouldn’t you like to do the same?

Read more about data blending and business connectors.

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11 Replies to Extract end-to-end business insights with Zoho Analytics

  1. When you already have in Zoho Analytics the CRM sync separated from Books and from Desk, how can you make dashboards that merge the information from different workspaces?

    1. Hi Adriano, You can integrate a portal only once. So, please remove your existing individual Zoho Books/Zoho Desk integration and set it up again from within the Zoho CRM workspace. Once you do that, apart from the default pre-built dashboards, another dashboard with data combined from other apps will be automatically generated. In case you’ve other custom-reports that you’ve created in your Zoho Desk/Zoho Books workspaces, please do reach out to us. We will be happy to help you copy them into the new workspace. :)

  2. Hi, we have most zoho aplications into our zoho analytics. When we tried to import data from another zoho app following your advice and we get "Alert Message A workspace Zoho Books Analytics has already been setup for this organization " and we can't continue. Is having a, for example, zoho desk workspace in analytics prevent us to import the data into the crm account? If we can to that, will it include standard reports created by default (like the ones shown in your post) Thanks

    1. Hello Sergi, You can integrate a portal only once. So, please remove your existing Zoho Books/Zoho Desk integration and set it up again from within the Zoho CRM workspace. Once you do that, apart from the default pre-built dashboards, another dashboard with data combined from other apps will be automatically generated. In case you've other custom-reports that you've created in your Zoho Desk/Zoho Books workspaces, please do reach out to us. We will be happy to help you copy them into the new workspace. This will not affect the standard reports :)

  3. Excellent, Thank you. We use Analytics essentially for Books and CRM. I didn't know we could merge reports from different solutions.

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