Adding Records in Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator offers you the flexibility to add new records to your database, in multiple ways.  You can,

  • Add data through onlilne HTML forms from your PC or from your mobile
  • Add records through email
  • Add records by importing from Excel file
  • Add records by executing Deluge script
  • Add records using Zoho Creator APIs

1. Add record through online HTML Forms 

Zoho Creator provides drag-n-drop Web Form Builder

to easily create custom HTML Forms in minutes. You can access the

online HTML form from your PC or right from your mobile. The data

submitted through these forms will be directly added to your database.

Here is a sample form created with Zoho Creator.

If you do not like the default positioning of the form fields, you can customize the same using the
Zoho Creator Client API and create your own custom form.  The Client API

allows field level embedding to customize the look of your HTML forms

to suite your website. Each field in the form can be individually

positioned, providing a perfect fit and finish to your web page.  

2.  Add record through Email 

Every form in Zoho Creator has its own email address, so you can just sent an email to submit form data. Zoho Creator checks for form updates via e-mail, once in every ten minutes. The data submitted through e-mail will be directly added to your database. Refer the Help link for more information. 

3. Add record by importing from an Excel file


you want to create an online database application from your .XLS files,

you can paste data from these files and directly create your

application with Form and Data. Comma separated values (.csv) or Tab

seperated values (.tsv) stored in other file formats can also be used

to create your application with data. Refer Help Link for more information. 

You can also add new records to an existing application by importing data from a .xls, .csv, .tsv file.  Refer Help Linkfor more information.  

4. Add record through Deluge Script 

Zoho Creator offers the flexibility to add dynamic data to your web forms by writing a bit of Deluge Scripting.  The add record 

Deluge task offers the flexibility to add new records to a form, with

the given values or with dynamic values and is triggered by form

actions, field actions or functions. For example,  the script can be

executed when form data is submitted or when a field value is updated 

or from user-defined functions . A few common scenarios where the add record Deluge task can be used:

  • Add data submitted from different Stateless forms in one main table. Refer Stateless forms for more information.
  • Add a record to a form by invoking a Custom Action in the view. Refer Tips & Tricks for more information.

5.  Add record using Zoho Creator APIs 

Zoho Creator - RPC Web API allows client applications to add record to a Zoho Creator form, using the HTTP POST method. You can add multiple records to multiple applications and multiple forms, at a time.    

The Deluge postURL task can also be used to add a new record to another Zoho Creator application, using Zoho Creator API.  Refer Add Record using API, for more information on using the POST URL task with Zoho Creator XML RPC API.


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