Instant Messaging: Simplified.

A few days back, I remember writing this. Then, Meebo announces a Single Sign-on, amongst other things. (via) The problem of Gtalk not having an Invisible mode seemed to bother a few people, but Meebo settles that issue. Also users having several accounts with the same IM service provider - say 3 Yahoo accounts each having a different list of contacts, a Meebo user can sign in to all of them simultaneously (and invisibly, if necessary). The tool tips indicating user status is pretty cool - instead of having an indecipherable icon (say, for "Timed Out") and a truncated Status message. People love to customize that field, and it's often a sorry sight to see a long status message (and people's creativity) getting truncated due to space constraints.

The best thing that could be said about Meebo's new set of feature release is that Sign up is a simple three step process - no activation or other irritating procedures. Much like our own Zoho's Sign Up, which requires only three fields to be filled and no e-mail based activation. Like they say at Meebo blog, not having e-mail verification or complicating the Registration procedure is way of building friendship with the users. If there are two services with similar features, of which one has a lengthy sign up process and one doesn't, people would rather save time and key strokes by signing up for the latter.

From the response they've been getting, it looks like Meebo might be the next thing that Corporate Firewalls will target. :) Add Conference Calling/ Group Chat facilities inside Meebo, and it could be one of the most chased after web based service in recent times.


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