IT|Redux on Zoho Sheet

Here is a review of Zoho Sheet by Ismael Ghalimi on IT|Redux :

... I have been using the preview release for a couple of weeks and have been impressed by what it can do. I built a fairly sophisticated flight navigation log using Microsoft Excel and imported it into Zoho Websheet. The online spreadhseet was fully functional, including pretty complex mathematical formulas. The presentation was true to the original, beside the lack of support for merged cells and cell borders. But I got totally blown away when I exported the spreadsheet back to Excel: to my amazement, the exported document looked exactly like the original. ...

Ismael, thanks for the great review.

And from now on, we have changed the name of our service from Zoho Websheet to Zoho Sheet, along the lines of Zoho Writer and Zoho Creator. Zoho Websheet basically consists of 3 words and is a bit difficult to pronounce when compared to Zoho Sheet.


Zoho Sheet Team


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