Prioritizing your To-Dos using Zoho Planner

Many of you Zoho users might be using Zoho Planner to keep a note of your to-dos. Let's see how to go about from scratch creating to-do lists.

First would be to translate all those things to be done that you have on your mind as a list of to-dos in Zoho Planner. Here's what mine looks like.

To better organize the above list, let me move the personal to-dos out to another list.

Let's now put the more immediate to-dos first.

And to give extra importance to the must-do items, let's mark them in bold (Zoho Planner allows text to be formatted).

And the last item in the list is one which would require more than one day of work. Let's put a due date and set a reminder so that you don't lose track of it.

There, hope you like it better now :) As you can see, you can prioritize your to-dos in various ways using Zoho Planner.

  • Have separate lists for official and personal tasks
  • Re-order the list so that the urgent ones are at the top
  • Mark the important to-dos in bold
  • Set due dates and reminders for tasks that take more than one day to complete

Do you have any tips of how to organize to-dos? Please share them in the comments.


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