Recent blog posts from Zoho Users

Heather Paulson at ReveNews, explains her experience of finding out Zoho and introduces many of Zoho's products to her readers. From her post titled "Zoho Online Office Productivity Software- Free" :

Recently I was out of town and happened to be on a computer that did not have Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. Not having access to these standard Microsoft office products is frustrating for any business traveler as I had a wee bit of work to do. Then I found with their incredible online line up of office productivity software, most of which is free to use and easily accessible online.

Zoho offers some amazing online collaboration tools as well as office products many of which are of no cost to the consumer. I have gained access to all of these with a free Zoho user account and must say what I see so far is impressive.

Wendy Wolfe, a Social Sciences teacher at the Totino-Grace High School, St Paul, Minnesota has done a great presentation video for the K12 Online Conference 2007. Wendy explains Zoho and it's cousin ToonDoo in the video. Glad to find that her students liked Zoho and ToonDoo. Especially the latter which made a student remark, 'If All My Classes Did This...'! More about Wendy's presentation here.

A blog post about online productivity by Splashtop, the Instant-On Desktop folks, has this to say about Zoho :

Don’t be overwhelmed when you get to the Zoho homepage. They have a myriad of online apps, all of which work fairly well. If Zoho CRM doesn’t mean much to you, I might suggest starting out with Zoho Writer. The image pictured below is of a Zoho Writer Template for a resume. As you can see, this online tool does 90% of what Word or OpenOffice does. Importing documents is also very easy. This is important if your document started in another format. I imported a document that was larger than 1MB and Zoho handled it well.

In my opinion, Zoho sheets excels in every way (come on, that’s a great pun). Whereas, the look and feel of Zoho writer feels a bit disjointed, Zoho sheets is as close to perfect as any online spreadsheet program. I get the distinct feeling that this was developed by a completely different team, led by a UI-focused Product Manager (who wasn’t afraid to borrow interface cues from Microsoft). I imported several different spreadsheets into Zoho Sheets, some with multiple tabs and the application handled it perfectly. With over 300 functions, I’m guessing Zoho can handle most of what you might want to do with a spreadsheet.

Matt Thommes has a nice post on Zoho Meeting titled, "Desktop sharing with Zoho Meeting", where he explains with nice screen shots how to work with Zoho Meeting - a concise & crisp primer for anyone new to Zoho Meeting.

Thanks to all Zoho users for sharing their thoughts & experiences!


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