Zoho Writer : Import from Google Docs & Equation Editor (LaTeX) support

Today's Zoho Writer update introduces three key functionalities

  1. Import Documents from Google Docs to Zoho Writer
  2. Equation Editor
  3. LaTeX Export

1. Import Documents from Google Docs to Zoho Writer

After we accepted Google and Yahoo! sign-in to Zoho (and Google Apps accounts sign-in), we were asked to implement import capability to Zoho. We have added this feature in this update. And now you can import your Google Docs into Zoho Writer. Here are the steps :

  • Login to your Google Docs account & choose the documents that you need to export to Zoho
  • Click on More actions -> Save as HTML (zipped) to your desktop
  • In Zoho Writer, click on Import -> Import Google Docs, select the zipped file path and click Import
  • All the Google Docs documents in the zip file will be imported into your Zoho Writer account & will be displayed in the left panel

We certainly don't want to trap your information in Zoho. We will soon provide a mass Export option to take your documents to other services.

2. Equation Editor

As you may know, a significant % of our users are students. We got a lot of requests from this user segment to build an Equation Editor into Zoho Writer. And Zoho Writer has it now.

You'll see a new Equation Editor icon (last one in the second row of the toolbar) which brings up a simple UI to create your equations. If you are a LaTeX guru, type your equation away and we automatically generate an image of the equation on the right. If you are not a LaTeX expert (like me), you can simply select the equation symbols with your mouse and we automatically build the equation for you. Once done, the equation image is inserted into your document.

After you insert your equation, if you want to make any changes to it, right click on the image and select Edit Equation.

3. LaTeX Export

As you see in the above slide show, we support LaTeX, the document markup language widely used by mathematicians, scientists, engineers and scholars in academia. We have a new option in Zoho Writer under Export, to save such files involving equations in LaTeX format as well.

Try the new features in Zoho Writer now & we will be glad knowing your comments.


26 Replies to Zoho Writer : Import from Google Docs & Equation Editor (LaTeX) support

  1. I have used both Gdocs and Zoho extensively over the last year, and although Zoho wins in the feature count I am still won over by the ease of use, speed, and overall elegance of Gdocs.

  2. I have used both Gdocs and Zoho extensively over the last year, and although Zoho wins in the feature count I am still won over by the ease of use, speed, and overall elegance of Gdocs.

  3. Hi
    I use zoho writer for some scientific writing and I need a way to automatically or even manually number or label equations in my documents. Is there a way to do that?

  4. Hi
    I use zoho writer for some scientific writing and I need a way to automatically or even manually number or label equations in my documents. Is there a way to do that?

  5. Along with Uwe, I'd like to see mathml support.I also see that if I include mathml using the "add html" feature, the formula renders, but poorly. My browser normally renders mathml quite well. It would be nice if the web rendering of equations was done via mathml instead of (or optionally as) an image.

  6. Along with Uwe, I'd like to see mathml support.I also see that if I include mathml using the "add html" feature, the formula renders, but poorly. My browser normally renders mathml quite well. It would be nice if the web rendering of equations was done via mathml instead of (or optionally as) an image.

  7. The equatio editor in zoho is very good. But there is a problem in aligning the equation inline with the text.

  8. The equatio editor in zoho is very good. But there is a problem in aligning the equation inline with the text.

  9. I'd love to see the equation editor working with Zoho Show. It kinda works now, as I described here: #...
    I'd love to see it as a fully working feature, because it's really really great.

  10. I'd love to see the equation editor working with Zoho Show. It kinda works now, as I described here: #...
    I'd love to see it as a fully working feature, because it's really really great.

  11. I think the Equation Editor tool is fantastic! Is it possible to integrate it into Zoho Show? When this happens, my math classroom will be almost entirely online!

  12. I think the Equation Editor tool is fantastic! Is it possible to integrate it into Zoho Show? When this happens, my math classroom will be almost entirely online!

  13. I checked the exporting from google docs, now only one document can be exported. So, is it still possible to migrate from google docs to zoho?gyuri

  14. I checked the exporting from google docs, now only one document can be exported. So, is it still possible to migrate from google docs to zoho?gyuri

  15. Uwe : Thanks for your suggestion. We will try supporting this in future.Gyuri : You can choose multiple (all) documents in Google Docs and save those as a zip file. Refer to Slide 3 in the above presentation. And you can import such a zip file into Zoho, thereby migrating all your documents to Zoho. Hope that clarifies.

  16. Uwe : Thanks for your suggestion. We will try supporting this in future.Gyuri : You can choose multiple (all) documents in Google Docs and save those as a zip file. Refer to Slide 3 in the above presentation. And you can import such a zip file into Zoho, thereby migrating all your documents to Zoho. Hope that clarifies.

  17. HelloI asked that already in the support email.It would be great if one could export a zoho doc with
    math equations in such a way that the formula still is editable, not as a image as the current export does.For example in the case of ODT it would mean save the equation in mathmlUwe Brauer

  18. HelloI asked that already in the support email.It would be great if one could export a zoho doc with
    math equations in such a way that the formula still is editable, not as a image as the current export does.For example in the case of ODT it would mean save the equation in mathmlUwe Brauer

  19. [...] announcement earlier today that Zoho has added an import capability for those using GoogleDocs to its Writer apps is great news. It is something I asked for a short while ago and is an excellent [...]

  20. [...] announcement earlier today that Zoho has added an import capability for those using GoogleDocs to its Writer apps is great news. It is something I asked for a short while ago and is an excellent [...]

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