OOdesk and Zoho

OOdesk (pronounced as voo-desk) is a virtual desktop application offering free email, storage space, file sharing etc. OOdesk users can view and save documents, spreadsheets, presentations directly online without downloading. And this is done using Zoho's Remote API.

Once you are logged to your OOdesk account, you will be presented with a virtual desktop environment (a desktop-like feel within your browser window). Double click on My Documents and click on the Upload option. You can upload any file from your desktop into OOdesk. Shown below is a Microsot Excel file opened within OOdesk using Zoho Sheet's remote editor. You can view Microsoft Office or OpenOffice files, make changes and save them back to your OOdesk account.

[Click to enlarge image]

If you are an ISV requiring such a functionality, do have a look at our APIs. We have a good many vendors who have successfully implemented our APIs (recently Central Desktop integrated Zoho Sheet). And it's not just for ISVs, any enterprise can make use of our APIs too.


4 Replies to OOdesk and Zoho

  1. OODesk has great possibilities. I ran it in IE8, Firefox, Chrome, and Android. The mobile version would not open an excel (.xls) file, said it was not there. I could not move off the Desktop in the Android browser.Cannot upload files with MS Office 2007 extensions, such as .xlsx, these need to be earlier versions, such as .xls.I will keep trying.Bob

  2. OODesk has great possibilities. I ran it in IE8, Firefox, Chrome, and Android. The mobile version would not open an excel (.xls) file, said it was not there. I could not move off the Desktop in the Android browser.Cannot upload files with MS Office 2007 extensions, such as .xlsx, these need to be earlier versions, such as .xls.I will keep trying.Bob

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