New dial-in and toll-free numbers, Conference details in invitation emails, Control over automated webinar emails, and more from Zoho Meeting.

This month, we‘re bringing you a few updates that will improve the way you use Zoho Meeting. These include new dial-in and toll-free numbers for phone conferencing, conference details in meeting invitation emails, control over automated webinar emails, and sound notifications in online meetings, to mention a few. Let’s take a look at all the updates in detail.

Recent updates in Zoho Meeting

58 new dial-in numbers and 30 new toll-free numbers

Dial-in numbers let you join meetings and webinars through your phone as an alternative to overcome poor Internet connectivity. We have expanded our conference coverage by adding 58 new local dial-in numbers and 30 new toll-free numbers to our list. With toll-free numbers, you can let your participants join meetings and webinars through their phones without incurring any call charges. You can purchase the toll-free add-on from Zoho Meeting to use toll-free numbers for your meetings and webinars. With the newly added numbers, Zoho Meeting now provides 103 local dial-in numbers for 59 countries, and toll-free numbers for 56 countries. Based on our customers’ requests, we have also added premium toll-numbers for five major Indian cities.

Conference details in email invitations

Invitees of a meeting can now join meetings directly from their phone without using a computer or browser. The meeting invitation email now contains the dial-in number and the access code that participants need to join a meeting using their phone. All they need to do to join the meeting is to access their email inbox and dial the correct local dial-in number and access code. If a participant joins over the phone before a meeting starts, a voice message will inform them that the meeting has not started yet. Presenters still need to start the meeting from a browser; they can’t do that over the phone.

Schedule meetings for your team

Admins can plan and schedule meetings in advance and add presenters for each meeting. Circulate the agenda through invitation emails. This will give your team members enough time to prepare and participate in the meeting. You can also find out well in advance who will be attending each meeting through RSVP. By assigning the presenter role to other team members, the admin can ensure that the scheduled meetings happen as planned even in their absence.

Admin privilege to schedule meetings and assign presenters

Sound notifications for meetings

Hear sound notifications when someone joins or leaves a meeting. This will help you manage your agenda better by initiating discussions when the right people are online. It’ll also help you tell if someone drops in on your confidential discussions uninvited.

Desktop app launcher

You can now avoid repetitive downloads for each session while using browsers like IE, Safari, and Opera. We have introduced a Desktop Launcher for these browsers, which you need to download only once. Once it’s installed, you can join all further sessions quickly using this launcher, as it will automatically run the existing app.

Enhanced user management

Add users to your organization and specify the meeting and webinar licenses of each member while you add them.

Add users and assign license

Control over automated emails

Thank you emails: You can now enable or disable the thank you emails that get sent to your attendees after your webinar. Admins can change this option in the Manage organization section under Settings in the Zoho Meeting UI.

 Webinar registration notifications: Webinar registration emails notify you every time someone registers for a webinar that you scheduled. If you and your team members do not wish to receive these emails, you can now disable it under Settings.

View webinar time in different timezones

Registrants can now view the time of a webinar in any timezone using the drop-down list on the webinar registration page. This will help them plan their schedule better and attend webinars wherever they are.

Time zone listing

Try out these enhancements and feature updates and let us know your feedback by writing to us at or leave a comment below. We hope you enjoy using Zoho Meeting.


9 Replies to New dial-in and toll-free numbers, Conference details in invitation emails, Control over automated webinar emails, and more from Zoho Meeting.

  1. HI, we would like to use zoho meetings for conference calls where we are listening to live calls for training purposes. We use ring central for our phones and the recordings of the calls. When we try to use the recordings only the person who does the meeting can hear the recording. How do we make it that everyone can hear the recordings? thanks

    1. Hi Tarah, In Zoho Meeting, you can simply share the recording link with others to let them hear the recording. If you need further assistance, or want to know more about Zoho Meeting, please write to us at support@zohomeeting.comHope this helps.

  2. Great. When can we have a google calender integration such that when making events through google calenders, we can opt to turn it into a Zoho Meeting (similar to Zoom's integration.

    1. Hi Bart, Google has not opened their APIs to all to enable such an integration. We have approached Google in this regard. We’ll surely add this feature when the APIs are open.

  3. Hi Sera, using your free trial version, pls help me to add my Gmail Email contacts in to add participants to send the invitation

    1. Hello Lakshmi, Please go to and click 'More actions'(three vertical dots) at the top. Select ‘Import' and then click 'Gmail'. Once you import your gmail contacts, you will be able to invite them to your meetings. Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions.

    1. Hello Stephen, Please go to on your Opera browser and start a meeting. You will be prompted to download the Desktop Launcher. You can conduct all further meetings using this launcher.

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