You can check-in and check-out your time directly from your mobile phone. With the Zoho People mobile time clock you can set IP restrictions to ensure control over where and when your employee clocks-in. Combined with features like the easy buddy search and on-the-go colleague information (already available on the iPhone app), Zoho People for android goes above and beyond.
Aarthi Elizabeth
Aarthi Elizabeth is a Product Marketing Manger at Zoho. She and her team are responsible for strategic marketing initiatives, product positioning, advertising campaigns and business development for three exciting products under the Zoho umbrella - Zoho Docs, Zoho ShowTime and Zoho Show. Before joining Zoho, Aarthi gained experience in manufacturing and finance. She has degrees in Commerce and Marketing. She loves travelling, deserted shopping malls, and a good cup of coffee.
If we use this for our consultants (onsite with client) could the client approve the time card? Would this solution work for a consulting firm?
Hi Alexander, The concerned manager (in your organization) can approve the consultants time card. A report or bill can be raised and sent to your clients.
Hello, How do I log into the app if I use my Google Apps account to use and manage Zoho People?
We will support this feature shortly.
A couple of questions. - How has the response been from users/employees? - Does Zoho employees use the app to check-in and out? Thanks.
Yes we do! Zoho Employees can use the mobile app to check in and out, with the IP restrictions in place.
Nice blog... Thanks Can you take the next step in mobile tools by joining this clock in functionality with Zoho two step authorization security. The mobile phone continues to be the ideal tool for mobile employees. The more business application tools we offer in mobile devices the more we need stronger security.
Thank you! Zoho People does support two step authorization security when you log in to the mobile app.