Manage your e-commerce inventory easier with serial and batch tracking

When you're selling products with serial and batch numbers in your inventory, you can now keep track of their sales by adding these numbers to your order as you ship them.

Serial tracking

Serial tracking numbers include IMEI numbers on mobile phones, laptops, cars, and other items, where it is essential that they can be tracked back to the original owner, as required by the law or the government. For this reason, they are also assigned to expensive items like jewelry and art pieces.

Batch tracking

Batch numbers can be attributed to pharmaceutical and perishable goods, which are produced in batches and come with an expiry date. Products can be tracked back to their respective batches using batch numbers. For example, fabrics are given a batch number so that they can be sourced to the dyes used in their manufacture.

Similarly, if a customer reports a defective product from one of your batches, like a food item gone bad, you can trace it back to its batch and make sure to remove all items from that batch.

Returns and refunds

While handling returns for these tracking-enabled products, you can choose to add these items back into your inventory, or discard them if required.

Learn more on handling serial and batch numbers here:


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