Celebrating the Big Stories behind Small Businesses: Share Yours and Win!

mybizstory announcementWe love small businesses – they’re the reason why we build apps and host events aimed at helping small business owners all-year-around. But special days call for a little more!

And that’s why we’re celebrating Small Business Saturday, with a special contest for small businesses this month.

It’s called the #MyBizStory contest and it’s really fun and simple. All you need to do is, tell us a story. Tell us what makes your business unique – it could be a different way of doing things, something you’ve created or something you’ve believed in and followed for your business – anything that you think makes your business stand out.

Wait, it’s not that simple though. There’s one thing you do need to do – present this story in such a way that it fits into 100 characters and can be tweeted out to us with the hashtag #mybizstory. You can also add an image that could be a picture or a collage of many pictures that tell your story. Remember, pictures mean bonus points and increase your chances of winning!

You can tweet your entries to us or drop them over email at mybizstory@zohocorp.com. Don’t forget to include #mybizstory as the hashtag or subject line.

The 3 best entries that we like best, will win an iPad Air each. So, put on your creative caps and send us your story – we’re all ears!

Oh, and you might want to connect with us on Twitter and Facebook for updates about the contest. You can also drop by the #MyBizStory Pinterest board where we’re collecting all eligible contest entries. Remember that we’ll be accepting entries up to 27th November.

Good luck and may the most interesting stories win 🙂



8 Replies to Celebrating the Big Stories behind Small Businesses: Share Yours and Win!

  1. By the way Tavi, Zoho is NOT a google company, but they do offer integration with several of their services. The fragmation of Android makes it more challenging to program, that is why many companies first put their apps on IOS.

  2. Since you are a GOOGLE company, why would you not offer Android ? ... Come on .. you folks give more attention to the competition then to yourselves !!! All features/add-ons always come out on apple products ...

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