Site 24×7: Website & Application Monitoring Service

I just noticed that we never mentioned about our Site24x7 service in our blogs . So let me shamelessly promote this service. This is a great service and I can say this because we eat our own dog food. This service is comparitively under-noticed mainly because Zoho is primarily known for online office and this great app is slightly off the track (atleast for now).

If you have your website or an application you want to monitor, this is the right one for you. Once you set it up, you need not even visit the service to check out how your websites/apps are performing as the app sends these details to your inbox every day/week.

It is not just a simple website monitoring service. It also does monitor transactions as well. What does this mean? Well, if you want to monitor the whole experience of your customer visiting your site, you can do that using 'Monitor a Web Transaction' feature in Site24x7. As part of this feature, we give you a small executable which can be downloaded and used to define your transaction. In this mini application, start recording your transaction by visiting the application/website you want to monitor and do whatever you want it to do to at regular intervals. If you define your transaction as logging into your application, clicking some links and logging out, Site24x7 can do that automatically next time for you continuously and will report you whenever there is a failure or performance below a threshold.


Let me not bug you further getting into the details....I can keep talking about it. I'll let you play with it. This is a serious (free) app bundling a whole lot of expertise from our friends at ManageEngine that went into this service.

Update : Ashley at CyberNet News has this to say about Site24x7.


2 Replies to Site 24×7: Website & Application Monitoring Service

  1. After a long surf through the net, I decided to use More Reliable and of free of cost with most impressive features.

  2. After a long surf through the net, I decided to use More Reliable and of free of cost with most impressive features.

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