Zoho Mail : Scheduled Update on May 21, 2008

We’ve scheduled an update for Zoho Mail on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 between 12.30 AM and 1.30 AM PDT. During this time, access to Zoho Mail will not be available. Sorry for the inconvenience & we greatly appreciate your patience and co-operation during this downtime.


12 Replies to Zoho Mail : Scheduled Update on May 21, 2008

  1. i still not able to comment on comment form in Site24x7 ..and you have mentioned that it has been resolved..

  2. i still not able to comment on comment form in Site24x7 ..and you have mentioned that it has been resolved..

  3. Hi Al Briggs,The comment form issue in Site24x7 blogs has been resolved. It was due to a configuration problem in our blogs.Thank you for your patience.Arun

  4. Hi Al Briggs,The comment form issue in Site24x7 blogs has been resolved. It was due to a configuration problem in our blogs.Thank you for your patience.Arun

  5. Al Briggs,Thanks for your feedback on Site24x7 blogs. We are looking into the comments form issue. It most probably looks like a configuration problem and we will be sorting this out soon.btw, we were unable to locate your mail in our mail box (support@site24x7.com)Arun

  6. Al Briggs,Thanks for your feedback on Site24x7 blogs. We are looking into the comments form issue. It most probably looks like a configuration problem and we will be sorting this out soon.btw, we were unable to locate your mail in our mail box (support@site24x7.com)Arun

  7. Please can someone sort out the site24x7 blog - I think this is part of the zoho kingdom. It has been inflitrated by spam and I have emailed but no-one seems to monitor the email box.I can't post comments on the blog posts because they are closed.What sort of monitoring service doesn't even monitor it's own mailbox or their blog?I think you should sort out this embarasment before people stop reading your blog posts.

  8. Please can someone sort out the site24x7 blog - I think this is part of the zoho kingdom. It has been inflitrated by spam and I have emailed but no-one seems to monitor the email box.I can't post comments on the blog posts because they are closed.What sort of monitoring service doesn't even monitor it's own mailbox or their blog?I think you should sort out this embarasment before people stop reading your blog posts.

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