All The Buzz About Recruitment Analytics

Efficiency of any system can be determined only when measured and measurement is the key to managing it. Though written reports can give us a gist of the current recruiting scenario and how well it is progressing, numerical data and visual interpretations of such data speak much more louder and clearer than words.

Recruitment analytics isn’t just about measuring efficiency, sometimes, it is the first step in making crucial recruitment decisions, setting up an annual recruitment strategy or is simply an aid in achieving set recruitment targets. Whatever the reason behind the analysis, it is no doubt an indispensable part of the recruitment life cycle.

So what kind of results should such an analysis leave at your disposal? Let us take a look at some of the important reports which are a must have at the end of any recruitment analysis.

Current Recruitment Status Report

This is basic information required on a day-to-day basis. This gives recruiters an idea of how many positions are open, in progress, pending or closed. This provides a general overview of current recruitment activity progress.


Position Status Report

This is useful when you are trying to study the recruitment trend at your organization over a given period of time. Comparing the number of positions closed each month over a certain time period can give you a better chance of understanding the prevailing trend, which in-turn can help identify problems in your recruitment process.


Source Efficiency Report

This analysis should give you a clear-cut idea of which platform is your best source to draw candidates across various skill sets. Each skill set is unique, and a group of candidates with similar skills often resort to a certain way of applying for job openings. For e.g. candidates with administrative skills often apply through newspaper ads or job boards, whereas experienced management level candidates may not use this approach; they may use professional networks like LinkedIn to search for job openings. Therefore, in-depth insight into such information can keep you prepared for identical hiring scenarios in the future.


This analysis should leave you with an idea of the cost per hire. It helps with budget planning for your organization’s recruitment activities, both on a small-scale and large-scale. Financial planning for recruitment activities is quite crucial and is a key factor in determining how recruitment strategies are set and executed.

Cost-To-Hire (1)

Hiring Time Report

This is another valuable report depicting the time taken for each hire to flow through the recruitment pipeline. This information can be used to analyze further and identify factors that affect hire time and make improvements wherever possible.


Recruiters Performance Report

Any organization will want to be aware of how well their recruiters are performing, identify each one’s potential, recognize top talent and accordingly assign responsibilities or plan for future promotions.


Conversion Ratio Report

Knowing how many candidates apply for a particular job opening and the conversion ratio gives recruiters an idea of the candidate pool queue status for a particular skill set and how easy or difficult it is to hire for similar positions. 

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Zoho Recruit understands the necessity for advanced recruitment analytics and therefore integrates with Zoho Analytics to bring you the best of advanced analytics right where you need it. You can now slice and dice raw recruitment information to gain better insights on what’s happening, what needs to be worked on and where problems exist.

The really great feature of this integration is that you can customize. You can create custom reports based on custom fields you have created within various forms. You can carry out comprehensive studies on all data, create a variety of reports and visualize data in several ways; all this and more right from Zoho Recruit.

Whether it’s taking crucial recruitment decisions or setting strategies or just carrying out a simple analysis to understand the scenario better, recruitment analytics is imperative for the advancement of any organization’s recruitment process. So why wait? Get started with understanding your recruitment process better and plan ahead in full confidence with Zoho Recruit.



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