Manage calls the easy way with Zoho Recruit's integration with Twilio & RingCentral


The goal of every recruiter is to find prospective candidates, move them through the hiring cycle, and ultimately, fill job openings. To pull this off effectively and efficiently, a high standard phone system is essential. That’s why Zoho Recruit has joined hands with two leading internet phone service providers: Twilio and RingCentral.

Now, recruiters can dial, log, and even record calls inside Zoho Recruit to increase the productivity of your team and enhance the candidate experience.

Simple configuration

No. You don’t have to be a tech geek to configure the PhoneBridge system with Zoho Recruit. There are absolutely zero installations or exhausting processes to work with. All you need is your login credentials to either Twilio or RingCentral.

Learn more about how to setup about Twilio or RingCentral.

Single click dial

No more wasted time switching between screens to make a call. Now you can initiate calls with a single click from inside Zoho Recruit; saving you valuable time.

Incoming call screen pop-ups

Incoming calls  automatically trigger a pop-up screen with the caller’s appropriate information so the user can easily access the caller’s contact info and profile to ensure a quality interaction.

You can also add a call description while you’re speaking with a candidate or client, or after the call has ended to ensure you don’t miss out any important points during the call.

Set-up call reminders

Set reminders for your important out-bound calls. You can also snooze the reminder and call later if you’re in the middle of something even more important.

Automatically record call logs

Have a complete list of your past inbound and outbound calls in Zoho Recruit. Keep track of important conversations and essential call recordings and play them back when necessary.

Get started right away!


2 Replies to Manage calls the easy way with Zoho Recruit's integration with Twilio & RingCentral

  1. Is this calling facility available to all Recruit roles including guest and interview roles also or is it limited to 'Paid Recruiter' role alone. Please Confirm ?

    1. Hello Krishna, The PhoneBridge is available only for the Enterprise edition and can be accessible only by the Administrator, Standard and custom profiles. Cheers.

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