Cloud Software is to Desktop Software as...

How do you think Cloud Software compares with Desktop Software?

Last week, we asked our Facebook fans and twitter followers to come up with their own analogies to describe this comparison.

Here are some of the interesting responses we’ve received so far:

On our Facebook wall:

“ to”
– Adam K Dean ‎ (This one got 6 likes on our wall)

“A tap is to a dried up riverbed”
Marty Neill

“A renault 4 is to a mercedes benz”
– David Castillo

“Meditating is to yawning”
​ – Josh Ward

“Man Vs Cave man”
Arif Ali

As twitter @replies:

“as Asteroids were to Dinosaurs” – @caps_phisto

“credit card is to cash” – @alvarofelipe

“as smiley cookies are to regular cookies” – @adamgolomb

“as wings are to boat anchors” – @DortchOnIT

So, which is your favorite analogy from these? Can you come up with some of your own?


2 Replies to Cloud Software is to Desktop Software as...

  1. Cloud Apps and data is great, until it goes down or the developer makes changes that effect you.I use the cloud, so I am a fan, but you always have to keep in mind that there may come a time when all hell breaks loose!

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